Eternity Time
Heaven Earth
Father Mother
Male Female
Death Life
Conscious Unconscious
Reality Dream
Yab Yum
Yang Yin
Light Dark
Absolute Manifest
Bliss Suffering
Nirvana Illusion
Transcendent Experiential
Self Ego
Cosmogony Journey
Ineffable Material
Macrocosm Microcosm

ACTIONS: dissolve boundaries; transfigure world; shatter; annihilate; pierce; fall into; balance; transcend; journey

NONDUALITY: hermaphrodism

41/38 The hero as the incarnation of god is himself the navel or axis of the world, the umbilical point through which the energies of eternity break into time.

152/140 What is understood is that time and eternity are two aspects of the same experience-whole, two planes of the same nondual ineffable; i.e., the jewel of eternity is in the lotus of birth and death: om mani padme hum.

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