After you have read the three volumes of Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet and watched the assigned videos listed on our Black Panther webpage, write a post in response to the Blog Prompt below:

Prompt for Black Panther Graphic Novels Blog Post

Consider the following points (you don’t necessarily need to address all of these questions):

  • How does Coates approach the conflicts of leadership in the graphic novels?
  • How does Coates explore the tensions between monarchy and the nation?
  • What larger perspectives regarding our relationship to each other and to our planet does Coates suggest in his first graphic novel engagement with Black Panther?
  • In Coates’s story, T’Challa is not the only heroic figure. How do one or more of the other characters measure up to some notion of heroism, whether Campbell’s or otherwise? You might consider Shuri, Tetu and Zenzi, Aneka and Ayo, Changamire, or Ramonda in your response.

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