This page is designed to lead you step by step through various links and sources in order to give you my own overview of how the Matrix movies bring together the material we have worked with all semester, especially Campbell’s second half (Cosmogonic Cycles) of the Hero book.

The place to begin is with my final video:

Cosmogonic Cycle
Campbell’s Cosmogonic Cycle

Important Links

In the video I refer to the following sources related to our readings and viewings:

Note that I have provided several helpful links on all of our class work sites that you might want to refer to as you write your paper:

Movie Clips

In the final clip above, “Beginning and End,” note the idea that Neo might bring about “one giant cosmic reincarnation.” This is the point where, in Campbell’s terms in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the Hero’s Journey and the Cosmogonic Cycles coincide. The rebirth of the hero is at once the rebirth of the cosmos.

And finally, here’s the link to your Final Synthesis Paper assignment.

Peace to you! Tat Tvam Asi (That is the Sanskrit phrase I couldn’t remember in my video.)

Links to Sources I mention in the Video (but not part of our curriculum)

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